Amogh Kulkarni
Email: amogh.kulkarni [at]
Phone: +49 3641 9 48226
Office: IOMC, Room D307
Amogh completed his Integrated PhD (MS + PhD) at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Pune, India in 2020. Here, he worked with Prof. Harinath Chakrapani on the chemoproteomic profiling of the thiol proteome of microbes to discover new drug targets. Following his graduation, he moved to EPFL Switzerland as a Postdoc to work with Prof. Yimon Aye, deciphering LDE-signalling pathways using animal model C. elegans. Subsequently, in 2021, he moved to University of Geneva to work with Prof. Ross Milton on site-saturation mutagenesis and evaluation of bioelectrocatalysis of redox proteins.
His current project is based on the chemoproteomic profiling of hydrolases that mediate various microbial interactions.
Outside of work, he has keen interests in Theatre and Films. He is also involved in outdoor activities such as hiking and swimming.