Anna-Sophie Giese
Email: anna-sophie.giese [at]
Office: IOMC, Room D312/314
Before starting her studies, Anna trained as a biological-technical assistant in Erfurt and then went on to study biotechnology (B. Eng.) at the Ernst Abbe University of Applied Sciences in Jena. As part of her Bachelor's thesis, she investigated peptide synthetase-like enzymes from the mycorrhizal fungus Gigaspora margarita at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena in the Pharmaceutical Microbiology working group (in association with the Hans Knöll Institute Jena). Due to her interest in pharmacy, she then decided to study for a Master's degree in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology (M. Sc.) at the Ernst Abbe University of Applied Sciences.
Currently she is doing her master's thesis on the characterization of protease inhibitors of the human intestinal microbiome. Outside of the lab, she is very active in sports, including going to the gym, mountain biking, playing volleyball and hiking in and around Jena. She also loves baking and giving free rein to her creativity in the creation of healthy and protein-rich snacks.